Who is good and who is bad? A story full of wisdom

by Oana

Once upon a time it was a blind beggar. He stood by the side of the road every day. Periodically the good man would pass by and, out of the little he had, out of pity, he would give the blind beggar a penny. With that penny, the beggar could buy a piece of old bread and satisfy his hunger for a while. Once, an ordinary man passed by. Seeing the blind beggar, he said, “Beggar, don’t you want to come to me? I have a large household and I would need help. You will get a place to sleep, good food and some money ”. The beggar replied, “I can’t work! I am blind and I cry all day! Fate was unfair to me! I am blind, depressed and my heart aches! I can’t work! ” Our ordinary man shrugged and saw his way. After a while, the good man stopped giving him the penny that the beggar had become accustomed to, so he wept even more, now being very hungry. The bad man passes by. Seeing the beggar, he begins to say harsh words to him: “all day you sit on the side of the road and beg! You overshadow the earth in vain! You are a trash!” and other ugly words. And when he left, he gave him a kick. The blind beggar, beaten, insulted, starving, had a revelation, he realized that the evil man was right! And here we have two variants: the first, he goes and throw himself from a bridge, in which case our story ends here, and the second variant, which we want to highlight, got up from the dust and looked for the ordinary man. He asked him to take him to work for him, as he had originally proposed. He was blind and didn’t know how to do anything, so at first it was hard for him, but he didn’t give up. He learned to work harder and harder, the ordinary man was satisfied with his work, and he felt better and better. He was no longer depressed, he was no longer in pain, he was smiling and laughing more and more often. One day the doctor came to visit the ordinary man. Seeing our blind man, he told him that he could restore his sight with a simple surgery, and this surgery will cost him 100 pennies. The blind man had the money he earned from his work, so he was able to pay for his surgery, which he did, as the doctor had said, and the blind man began to see. Now we have two options again: the first, he stayed to work for the ordinary man, because that’s what he knew how to do, he was satisfied, and the man had asked him to stay, in which case our story ends here, or the second option, he wanted to see the world, to know and understand more, and he knew he could do it, because from a blind and depressed beggar in the dust on the side of the road, he was now a whole man, with joy of life, power of work and some money in his pocket. Before he left, he went to look for the good man and to thank him for the money he gave him, money with which he bought his old bread, with which he partially quenched his hunger when he was a beggar. He found him and with tears in his eyes thanked him gratefully. The good man, angry, said to him: “what should I do with your thanks? I gave you money, and now I have no bread for my children! You should give to me now! ” The former blind beggar, THE MAN, gave him some of his money. The good man said: “there is too little, I can’t get enough bread for my children!”. Then THE MAN said to him: “Look, I worked for the ordinary man, but I will leave, so you can go and work there.” The good man replied, “I can’t work there, I have children to raise and I don’t have time.” THE MAN told him that he had no other money to give him and he left, while the good man shouted after him that he had helped him and that is his reward? How ungrateful! Going to the household of the ordinary man to take his things and leave, he met the bad man. He told him what impact the harsh words he had addressed had on him. The bad man, hearing him, lit up his face and said to him: “I’m so glad for you! I was so upset when I passed by you and saw that you were content with the good man’s money and that piece of moldy bread! I sent the ordinary man to offer you work! I asked him not to fire you when you did something wrong! I was confident that you will succeed! Now go into the world, MAN, and live! ”

Are we confused? We don’t know who is a good man and a bad man? It’s none of our business to know that. Our job is to live without judging others. Life is not a soap opera with good and bad characters. We are all PEOPLE, with good and bad, with light and darkness, with good deeds and mistakes.

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