When I talk to nice, well-meaning but overweight people who would like to lose weight but fail, my first question is how much water they drink and how much exercise they do. If referring to water the answer is that they don’t drink much, they have a completely wrong impression about the movement they do, something like: I move a lot, sometimes I walk 3 km a day. That’s what the phone says, 3000-4000 steps a day, mostly around the house, to the car or to the corner store.
Studies show that 7000-8000 steps a day is the minimum necessary to have a healthy life. This means a continuous walk of 5 km, not in pieces, in alert steps, alternating with short breaks in which we do not stop, but we go a little slower. Daily. To do this, to integrate the daily walk into our lives, we need to find a personal method. I, like a real Capricorn, do not consider walking a waste of time, I find something useful to do: I listen to a podcast, an audiobook, I talk on the phone, I take pictures and I admire the sunset. Everyone can take a walk in their own way: with their partner or a friend (instead of talking to their girlfriend stuck in a chair, do it on the go). Possibilities are, you just have to want it.
If you want to lose weight you should do more than 8000 steps a day. You could take two 8000 steps walks after each main meal. Just understand that exercise is important for health, and one walk a day can be done by anyone, for our physical and mental well-being. Only after you get used to walking a few kilometers a day you can consider going to the gym, yoga, pilates or another form of sport, if your health and pocket allow.