I was asked why I chose to take this trip alone, what did I want to achieve with it? I hesitated for a few seconds with the answer, because it wasn’t a mental decision, I didn’t sit down at my desk to put the reasons on paper, with columns for and against. Those who know me personally, and even those who have been reading me here for some time know that I, who was the queen of logic (Capricorn, what should I do?), stopped making logical decisions a long time ago. Now I rush like an Aries into decisions made with my heart, some would say impulsively. So I mentally scratched my head and thought about the reasons. There are two ways to know ourselves: through relationships, any kind of relationships, couple, family, work, friends, even short relationships, for example a person you strike up a conversation with while standing in a queue, through mirroring, projection, emotional dependencies, etc., or the second way, when we are put in front of an unforeseen situation, when we go out willingly or are thrown outside the comfort zone. If in the case of the first method we need a minimum of prior training, that is to know some psychology or spirituality, in the second case we are left with our mouths open as to what we can do when we are thrown from the comfortable couch of routine. And because I stopped blaming others for my weaknesses and shortcomings a long time ago (see the first method), I set out to fix them. A few years ago, when I started my spiritual journey, I needed the moral support of others to tell me how strong, smart and wonderful I am (sometimes I still do), but lately I’ve been on my own. On a trip where you go alone, with no one to rely on, in unknown places, a lot of things arise that you have to solve yourself, make decisions on your own, sometimes fast, in seconds. You don’t have a travel companion with whom you can exchange a word, with whom you can consult. And I assure you that no matter how well you plan a trip, unforeseen situations still arise. Then you meet all kinds of people. The hostels I stayed in were mostly foreigners, who were surprised that I was traveling in my own country. For them, traveling is something normal, at any age, from teenagers to retirees. They understand the usefulness of a trip, they don’t leave the house once, twice a year, to Eforie, Bușteni or Tassos, for 5 days each. A journey always has something spiritual, you have something to learn from it, about yourself and others. That’s what I wanted to do this trip for, and that’s what I want to share with you.