by Oana

There is an oracle card called Perspectives. In it we see the image of a landscape through a keyhole. How much of that landscape can we see through the keyhole? Just a small piece, and the rest we can only imagine, or even worse, consider that piece to be the whole world. In our country it is called “horse glasses”. We see the world through our perspective. We judge others from our perspective. And sometimes we go our whole lives wearing those horse glasses. But it happens, for various reasons, that we take off the horse glasses. Let’s open that door of which we knew only the keyhole. At first there is the wonder “wow, is there something else?”, then the fear “how will I manage in this new world?”. And slowly, you step through the door, into this big world, much bigger than the little piece you had seen until then through the keyhole.

The night before I set out on my adventure I felt an immense fear. In my mind was only: “what if I have a flare? Spondylitis, kidney disease, asthma or all the diseases I have accumulated over the years? I’m alone there, far from home, I don’t know anyone, I don’t know the area…”. I managed to get rid of many fears in the last years since I “opened the door”, but that evening I was again the helpless sick of everything, sick first of all from fear. I didn’t close an eye that night, but I didn’t think for a second about giving up. When I got off the train in Sighisoara, my first stop, I felt that I was suddenly freed from fear, it was as if a weight was lifted from my shoulders, leaving me light and free. Everything went smoothly not because I was lucky, but because I was no longer afraid. If you have faith that nothing bad can happen to you, even if everything doesn’t go according to the original plan, with a mind freed from fear and prejudice, you find equally good and useful alternatives, and people will feel it in you, even if not consciously, and they will treat you equally openly and without prejudice. Letting go of fear helps you to be more aware of what surrounds you and to access your intuition more easily. It helps you to step further into the wide world and not to retreat to the shelter of the door again, staying to look through the keyhole for all your life.

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