And we decided to give up gluten and dairy. We’ve read that gluten and dairy maintain or produce inflammation in the body, so that would be the first step to an anti-inflammatory life. Good. Let’s go further. We read that movement is good. OK. Now let’s see what move to make. Those who have played sports since childhood can handle it. I was an anti-talent, I would run 50 meters in half an hour and then fall down. And here I am at 42 shyly walking into a gym. I expected to find only well-built muscles and skinny girls. Know that it is not so. The world has slowly begun to realize the benefits of sports, so now you can meet ladies over 40, even over 50, at fitness. Also solved with movement. Next point three. Losing weight. Being overweight, among other conditions, is known to maintain inflammation in the body and add extra pressure on diseased joints. In addition to the movement from point two, we need to control food portions and food combination, giving up fast food and commercial sweets. It’s haaard! Well, if it were easy, everyone would be healthy. No one says you have to give up sweets, only store bought ones. Make sweets at home, so you can control the amount of sugar and fat in them. And small portions! When you have dessert at a meal, reduce the amount of the main course, as well as the carbohydrates in this main course. Don’t eat after 6pm. It is known that the recommended BMI (body mass index) is between 19 and 25. My highest was 23 and I could feel the pressure of the weight on my spine. Now I’m 20 and I don’t feel it anymore, from this I deduce that people with joint problems should have a BMI of less than 25. That was point three. Now point four. Get into the habit of eating anti-inflammatory foods. What are these? They are a lot, but which the average person may have heard of, but find them exotic, strange or expensive. I will make a short list, because there is a lot to say and we will talk about each separately another time: turmeric, ginger, chili peppers, red onion, garlic, broccoli, soy, pineapple, avocado, blueberries, fish, walnuts, almonds , flax seed, sesame seed, hemp seed, sunflower seed, pumpkin seed, lentil seed, carob seed, cinnamon seed, and probably more, but I can’t think of them right now. Point five. Positive thinking. I used to get angry too when, trying to get on the bus, someone would elbow me so that he could get on first. This tormented me for several hours: what a jerk! And I could feel the anger rising inside me. Now I turn aside, amused by the rude man’s attitude, and forget the next moment. Stop watching the 5 o’clock news. No more tearjerking prime-time shows. Yes, there are starving children in Africa, wild deforestation, murder and rape. But how can we help them if we are sad? Donate 2 euros, give a like and a share and move on. My first astrology teacher used to say to me: “Do you want to help others? Help yourself first. Only after you are okay with yourself you can help others.” Yes, we are all busy, but we also need to make time for our bodies and minds. Read. Personal development books and articles, fiction, anything. Interact with positive people who you can learn from. Never say: I can’t. You can, but it’s hard for you. Learn. Anything. It’s never too late to learn something new. And there would be more. You know how it is: the first step is harder, then you see the steps and start climbing them, one by one. I wish you all good health!
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