by Oana

Hot impressions from when I had covid, as I posted on the blog’s Facebook page at the time. The picture is from that time, while I was warming my bones in the sun, in the yard. It has been and is gone now.

October 19, 2021

I was hesitant to share this but thought it would be ok. I’ve catched up with the world, I have covid. I am grateful that it happened now, I had time to get used to the idea that the possibility of getting the disease is high. Fear doesn’t help, it destabilizes you physically and mentally, plus you act like a drunken fly and you can’t organize your time when you can’t leave the house. So I stay in bed and make fun of myself. I talk to friends who are positive in attitude (but also positive with Covid), I don’t need advice unless I ask for it. I have informed myself and follow the stuff I resonate with. Some would probably laugh if I told them to take a salt bath every night, but it helps me. I sweat like a fish in the heat, but then I’m better. I drink teas, vitamins, Biosept, those things… Usually it’s not good to rub the doctors with everything that comes to mind, but now it’s important to let them do their job as they know best. My GP told me she is monitoring 50 patients on the list who now have Covid. Every day at a fixed time, I will have to monitor my temperature, oxygen saturation, pulse, blood pressure, general condition… So we both sit like two shriveled owls on a wet leaf and make fun on each other. We cough in sync and beat on the thermometer. Good morning!

October 20, 2021

Thank you for the get well wishes. Yesterday I got busy around the house, I’m organizing myself in case I turn into plasticine in the next few days. In the evening I fell like a hero on duty, with some fever and oxygen saturation in free fall, I sweated all night, but now I’m alive and kicking, with all the blankets in the house put to dry. Hey guys… I hate to repeat myself, but I’m going to write this daily around here: fear only makes things worse. It does not help us at all, fear paralyzes all the senses and we cannot make a correct decision. Ok, things are not looking good, but how does it help us track the number of cases and deaths? Are we feeling better? Does it help me to know that I am one of the 18 thousand or so cases detected 2 days ago? I gather all my strength to get out of this situation. How I know better. I’m not Zen, floating on a pink cloud above all this worldly stuff. I’m part of this world and I live my life, I manage according to my abilities, I don’t look for help if I can manage on my own. It’s not good and it’s not bad, it’s… what it is. And a plate full of fruit, nuts and cranberries… it is. Good morning!

October 21, 2021

My husband’s initial symptoms were moderate fever, headache and loss of appetite. I immediately put him on vitamins and within 2 days he was out of bed. Now he eats my ears out and suddenly gets a headache if I make him wash the dishes. For me, the onset was with whims and moods: a bit of coughing, a bit of chills and a bit of a nauseous state (I can’t translate it into medical terms). My viral load was lower when tested, I got infected later, so I had time to take action before the onset of symptoms. We take vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, Biosept forte (8-day cure). After the 8 days we will take Baraka. I feel that my body is mobilizing to fight the virus. The only problem is not pull out our hair when we’re fighting for supremacy on Netflix. Good morning!

October 22, 2021

I was going to write about another aspect today, but I just experienced my first panic attack, so I’ll write about that. I’m still a bit confused from the panic attack, so excuse me if I’m not very clear in my expression. It made the mistake last night to watch the Marius Tucă Show, Dr. Marinescu was invited, because I said it was good to be “informed”. And I “informed” myself so well that I induced my symptoms on the fifth day, the famous fifth day. I suddenly woke up at night with my heart beating madly, it seemed to me that I had a fever, but I didn’t, that I was in pain all over and that oh, what do I do if I have to call the ambulance, that Dr. Marinescu said that they don’t have places, that the seriously ill sit on chairs, at best, or outside in ambulances, waiting for life-saving oxygen. In the morning I measured all those, they are within parameters, but I couldn’t breathe and burst into hysterical crying. Luckily I had read before, and I recognized a panic attack. It’s funny that I preach to you here about fear… Fear is so subtle that sometimes you don’t even recognize it. It hides so deep within us that you don’t see it. You can only recognize its “symptoms”: intolerance, malice, overprotection, misinterpretation of facts… sudden panic attacks.

Otherwise… we are within the parameters. No taste, no smell, no fever, no other troublesome symptoms. Only I feel like I’ve been run over by a panic train. Yesterday we ordered for the first time from Bringo and we marveled at every little thing we took out of the bags, as if we had not chosen them. From today, only Netflix for us. Good morning!

October 23, 2021

I was asked how I tested myself and other bureaucratic aspects. You know I educate myself emotionally and it doesn’t always work out for me (see yesterday’s panic attack). In most aspects of life I no longer get angry, but when it comes to bureaucracy and waiting times I still feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up and I’m sharpening the two pairs of horns I possess, the Aries and the of Capricorn. So when my husband’s symptoms appeared we looked online for a clinic and also made an appointment online for the PCR test. It’s more expensive than the antigen test, but it’s more accurate, I understand. I relied on the experience of some friends who lost a few days, doing multiple antigen tests with false results, and then the PCR came out correctly, when it was already clear from the symptoms whether they have it or not. I chose a well-known clinic that had an average price for the package of 2 PCR tests, it said that they have a contract with DSP, so they will announce if the results are positive (probably most clinics do this, which is good, not anymore you hang on the phone to catch them). We got into the car, wearing masks and gloves, and went to the clinic, where, due to appointments, there was no one there. Next door was a pharmacy that did free tests, probably antigen, and where it was crowded, without distancing, people were sitting outside, in the cold… I don’t want to comment on that, there are enough people who can’t afford the cost of a test. Of course, there is also the option of calling 112 and waiting, firstly to get them on the phone and secondly for them to come. I don’t want to comment on that either.

The results came in the evening, and the next day the Corona Forms document, which specifies the date of the test, the positive result and that we are taken into account. This document reaches the family doctor in the same way. Then we called our family doctors, who each formed a protocol for those with Covid. My doctor monitors me daily and recommends medication based on the symptoms I describe. She also gave me online prescription for medicine when I needed it. My husband’s doctor, who I don’t know exactly what records he keeps, first asked him if he was his patient, then prescribed some medicine and told him to call him if he felt sick, or better yet call 112. No need for another test, the infection with Covid is clear, but let’s stay isolated for 14 days (which we are doing now), and on the 15th day we can leave the house. Also then we can enter the government platform and apply for the green certificate. If you have other experiences with testing and treatment, or other bureaucratic issues, please write in the comments, maybe we can help other people who have symptoms and don’t know where to start. But please, aspects presented coldly, do not help us to complain.

About us, we are fine, snotty, tasteless and odorless, no other worrying symptoms. In the morning I got out of bed, got on my little feet and decreed that recovery begins today. My husband’s reply was: “oh, you are back”. I lay down today with the writing, you can see that I am non-spoken. Good morning!

October 24, 2021

I’m a bit more cranky today… I was too agitated yesterday, so last night I had a bit of a fever. Now a slight headache. I don’t usually get headaches. The most annoying thing is the stuffy nose and the fact that everything I eat tastes the same: none. And I looked at the “studies” and went into depression, it says that taste and smell return on average after 8 months. Eight months?! Well, I’m gluten-free Oana, I create recipes, taste and smell are essential for me. I made a bone broth pumpkin and cauliflower soup yesterday, my husband said it was good. To me… nada. He only lost his smell, he has taste. It’s strange to feel the texture of the food, if it’s hot or cold, to feel that a grapefruit stings the tongue, but not to feel the flavors, not to know if it’s sweet or sour… It sucks. Good morning!

October 25, 2021

I am a 50-year-old woman of normal weight who has an active autoimmune disease, ankylosing spondylitis, for 32 years, with a history of adverse reactions to certain medications. I live a balanced life, eat right, exercise moderately, don’t drink alcohol at all, and educate myself to make the best decisions for me. This is what I relied on when I decided that I would not do the new anti-covid vaccines. And it seems I chose well. I get through infection easily, I’ve had worse seasonal colds than this. I’m expecting a flare of spondylitis, it’s always been like that after viruses or other stress my body has been subjected to. I will handle this in my own way, as I always have. I am not against vaccines, nor for them, I am for the right to choose, for the right to education and self-education. Good morning!

October 26, 2021

Yesterday I had the impulse to turn off comments on the post. Not because I don’t own what I said or don’t know human nature. Not because I didn’t expect these comments when I honestly answered your questions about WHAT I DID without being biased. But because I understood from these comments that the well-being of the individual has become public enemy number one. I was accused of living while others died. I was accused of not obeying the dogmas of science, because, as Professor Dulcan said, science is a dogma, just like religion, and must be respected exactly, in its letter and spirit, otherwise you are expelled from the “temple”.

The only partisanship I have done here in the last 7 years has been for healthy living, for proper nutrition, for exercise, for love, acceptance and respect. This is what I will continue to do. Thank you to those of you who have expressed an opinion, even contrary to mine, in a civilized manner. I also thank those who unfollowed me, we are different and if we don’t resonate with each other anymore, we can go our separate ways.

We are fine, we have no more symptoms, just a little tired. I started doing my daily gymnastics again. We have one more week to stay in the house and I’m staring out the window with yearning, like an unwalked puppy. Good morning!

October 27, 2021

Since yesterday I started to feel the salty taste. It’s strange that I can only taste salt in a food. But it’s an improvement. At least I started to feel something. The lack of smell did not save me from the onion sadness when I made the stew. I cried bitter tears (bitter it must have been) when I chopped the poor onion. I feel like a senseless cyborg… Good morning!

October 29, 2021

People are always looking for happiness. But most of them don’t know what happiness is. How can you look up something you don’t know? Some say that happiness is the presence of pleasant sensations and the absence of unpleasant sensations. But pleasant sensations pass quickly, and even if they are not always replaced by unpleasant sensations, there remains a void that needs to be filled. Others say that happiness is having a fulfilled life, a happy family and living in an area where there is peace and quiet. But the countries that meet these criteria, the developed countries, have the highest suicide rate in the world. Why aren’t those people happy then? Some say that happiness is having everything you want. I have yet to meet anyone who has absolutely everything they ever wanted. And if we want our neighbor to be run over by a train, would that make us happy?

Some philosophers say that happiness is knowledge and balance. If you have knowledge, you eliminate most of the causes to be afraid of. Simple, if you have knowledge you are no longer afraid. Fear is the anxiety of the unknown. And if you are no longer afraid, you stop going to extremes, but aim for balance. If you know that after day comes night and after night comes day, will you still be afraid of the dark? Everything in this world has two poles. If you stand at one of the poles and fiercely reject the other, you will not have knowledge. Knowledge, and happiness, begin with “what if…?”. Acceptance of the other pole.

I bet many of you would like me to drop the philosophy and get back to my recipes. I would like too. But I’m still waiting of de gustibus. Good morning!

October 30, 2021

Humans can smell a million billion smells, according to researchers. Right now, I don’t feel any. The sense of taste is divided into 5 different tastes: sweet, salty, sour, bitter and hot. The taste buds located mostly on the tongue, but also on the epiglottis, esophagus and nasal cavity transmit the signals to the brain, and thus we can feel the combination of tastes of a food. Similarly, the nerve endings in the nose transmit the signals to the brain, and we are warned that it smells burnt and to turn off the damn stove that we are setting the house on fire. In my case, the sense of smell was replaced by the sense of sight, which reacted late, when you could cut the smoke with a knife.

If you lack the sense of hearing or the sense of sight people notice you, but if you lack smell and taste you are thought to be the same as before. You’re not. I lost 2 kg in a week because I don’t feel like eating anymore. I force myself to eat at certain times, but food for me only means salty and bitter. I forgot the last piece of pudding out of the fridge and I wanted to eat it, but I put on my glasses and had a good look at it and then threw it away. I could eat any unknowingly adulterated crap that stinks and tastes awful and I wouldn’t feel a thing.

We were given the 5 basic senses to use. The harmonious combination of them forms our personality. Researchers have shown that the sense of sight can be successfully replaced by the other 4 senses. In the case of the disappearance of the senses of smell and taste, your personality is altered. The smell of autumn in the air cannot be replaced by anything. As my readers said on Friday, there is no substitute for the smell of your baby’s milk. Nothing can replace the taste of morning coffee. But… it will come. Things are resolving, and those that cannot be resolved are accepted. Good morning!

October 31, 2021

When we eat, in addition to the correct intake of nutrients, the second goal is to have as fast a digestion as possible, so that the food does not linger too long in the stomach or intestines, does not have time to putrefy. We can ensure rapid digestion by paying attention to the combination of foods and by paying attention to their temperature.

In light of these earth-shattering revelations I’m going to talk about dessert. We are used to eating a fruit after a meal. Fruits have the shortest digestion time. If we eat it after the other foods, it will stand in the queue for evacuation after the other foods (meat, vegetables, legumes, cereals and what else we ate at that meal), it will be bored, because it has finished its digestion and it will start to ferment , thus creating a party for bacteria, with what they know how to do: gas, bloating, belching.

In terms of temperature, food should be eaten in ascending order of temperature, from cold to hot. Thus digestion proceeds quickly. But what do we do? We start with hot soup, continue with warm first course and finish with ice cream, putting a lid on digestion for many hours. Food or cold drinks at the end of the meal “freeze” the gastric juices that also struggle, the poor thing, to do their job as best they can.

In conclusion, fruit is eaten on its own as a stand-alone meal, ice cream as well, and generally one course per meal is enough. Good morning!

November 3, 2021

Yesterday afternoon I was in the kitchen reluctantly making a vegetable soup, when… I got a whiff of the smell. My eyes widen, I blow on my nose, I put my head in the pot… yes, it smells like something! I start hopping around the house, then open the bag of Provençal spices. Oooh, mint! Then oooh, thyme! Granulated garlic! I was dizzy from so many smells.

In the morning they were all gone. They play with me. I’m going to make chickpea cheese, salami biscuits and fresh bread, maybe I can convince him to stay. Good morning!

November 4, 2021

I’m back, people. Last night I collapsed in a hot bath like a dutiful heroine after taking a 10,000 step (7km) walk and then staying in the kitchen for a few hours. I made chickpea cheese, peas with pleurotus and a biiiig bread. I owe you the biscuit salami and some meatballs from the breast of the country guinea fowl, a goodness which I received and of which I did not waste a single bone.

Even though I still don’t have smell and taste in the morning, because they seem to wake up later than me, I still indulged myself with a hearty and… probably tasty breakfast. Good morning!

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