by Oana

Many people only know predictions from astrology: “tell me what will happen to me”. Astrology is much more than that. First of all, it teaches you that life does not “happen to you”.

Everything that “happens” to us is not accidental, but is the result of our conscious or unconscious choices. And in order to be able to make choices that benefit you, it is useful to know yourself. And here again astrology helps you. I remember how full of importance I was a few years ago when I was saying “of course I know myself, I’m just the person I spend 24/24 with”. I thought I was very smart. It wasn’t until I started learning astrology that I realized that I had a one-sided mindset and that there was a whole world in front of me to discover. Astrology is a complex science. It includes mathematics, psychology, grammar (you have to know how to express yourself correctly, otherwise no one will understand what you have to say), even notions of physiology, history and politics, if you want to delve into some branches of astrology. All doubled by intuition, which you develop through study and practice. As I said above, astrology has many branches and sub-branches: natal (with which the study begins), predictive, relational, hourly (question astrology), mundane, medical, karmic, elective. As one of my teachers used to say, you don’t choose to learn astrology, astrology chooses you. Of course, anyone can learn what a planet represents, the ruler of which sign it is, the order of the signs, the dignities and weaknesses of the planets. But not everyone can, looking at a chart, “feel” the person, see the potential of that person, intuit the dynamics of a couple, find a lost object or answer existential questions. The stars do not dispose, but predispose. That is, you can have a well-aspected Venus, from which you can deduce that you will have “luck in love”, but if you choose to stay at home, or not take care of yourself, or drive away, out of fear or arrogance, any potential suitor, Venus does not will transform you from a wicked witch into a fair princess, you will still remain alone. As I said, life doesn’t “happen to you”, it all depends on you and your ability to exploit your potential and important moments.

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