It’s everyone’s choice what they do in life, let them choose!

by Oana

There are people who are very careful about what they eat, they are informed about the ingredients, food combinations, they are attentive to their body’s reaction, in short, they eat consciously. These people have all my admiration. I am one of them, and I think most of my readers are too. We have found that we feel better eating or avoiding certain foods, and our lives go on devoting sufficient time and resources to the act of eating.

But there are also people who prefer to leave home without eating in the morning rather than make the effort to cut a slice of bread and spread a spoonful of hummus on it. People who always have an empty fridge, who eat when they’re starving and get a shawarma with everything from the shawarmeria on the corner of the block, who eat macaroni with bread and consider chia an exotic thing that doesn’t deserve their attention. They can be apparently healthy young people for whom nutrition is the last place in their lives, after the 3 beers at midnight, or people past the second youth who consider it normal at their age to have 25 kg extra and squeak from all joints.

I’m past the time when I felt like I was the holder of the universal truth and wanted to give precious advice to anyone who I thought needed it, just because I had found the right path for myself, managed to lose weight and go into remission with my spondylitis and I don’t want to sit in my bubble of knowledge and accuse someone of ruining much or little of their health by eating poorly. It’s everyone’s choice what they do in life. And for each there is the right time to start. Or not. For them I will write simple recipes, which may violate some healthy principles, such as the one with the trout in tin foil. I would like to think that some of the “lazy” or “conservatives” in cooking will see my recipe and say: “look, something simple! I remember I have some tin foil forgotten for about 5 years in the cupboard, I take a fish, I brush it with oil, salt and pepper and throw it in the oven. By the time I take a shower it’s ready. I’m not going to get a shawarma today.” If one person forgoes a completely unhealthy meal for a day, opting for something home-cooked instead, I’ve accomplished my mission.

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