Monday, March 15, 2021
Since yesterday I gave up coffee and sugar. So today I’m a sore, constipated zombie moving around on replay. We don’t even know how many addictions we accumulate throughout life until we try to get rid of them. Read below how I try to ease my coffee cravings. Good morning!
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
I see everyone is impressed that I gave up coffee, giving up sugar doesn’t seem that impressive. I removed all forms of sweets from my diet: sugar, honey, sweeteners, very sweet fruits. The only source of sweetness is that date in the smoothie. On the second day, my body is completely confused: the intestine is lazy, the energy level is at a breakdown level. But, surprisingly, the emotional state is more stable, I am not excessively hungry. Last night I had a bit of a fever, I don’t know if it’s related to the withdrawal or just the inflammation from the spondylitis. Yesterday I made a slightly different smoothie, where I replaced the zucchini with a handful of blueberries and a pinch of ginger. Will follow. Good morning!
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
The hardest time of the day is the morning. As I said, I “fed” myself with caffeine 3 times a day, but the morning was the biggest portion. Because I’ve also eliminated the main sources of starch, in the morning I feel like a slug oozing across the floor into the kitchen. Then I remember that there is no big coffee coming up and I get even more frustrated. So I decided that the morning would be the time to put in some carbohydrates, a slice of bread for example, to get some energy. Good morning!
Thursday, March 18, 2021
My gut started protesting the greens. After I eat a big salad with all the seasonal greens it starts to sing: take a break, it’s enough! I’m still slow, I don’t miss sugar, I miss coffee. The weather will also be to blame. A steak with pureed nettles, accompanied by a bitter jasmine tea ended my day apotheously. Will follow. Offf… Good morning!
Friday, March 19, 2021
It’s not easy to stick to a restrictive diet. At least until you notice the first noticeable results. It takes patience, persistence, time to research, shop and cook, and strength to resist temptation. It’s hard to get out of your routine for years, your body doesn’t know what hit you, it’s hard to give up comfort food, it’s hard to adapt your diet to the busy schedule that everyone has nowadays. Food is not perceived as the most important thing. If you don’t eat properly how can you be optimal for the rest of the activities in your life? Through food you can prevent and relieve most diseases and thus lead an active life.
Saturday, March 20, 2021
When something is taken away from you or forbidden, it is not constructive to take your toys and leave or to start complaining about how unlucky you are. Look around and see what you can do with what you have left. The wheels of my imagination started to turn after I researched what foods I could eat on the AIP diet. I still have some concerns, but I will solve those soon. Sugar and coffee? What are those?
Pictured is a bone broth-based cauliflower soup. I’ll post how I did it in the comments. Good morning!