Carp plachie (romanian dish)

by Oana

Fish is healthy, it is advisable to eat fish twice a week, blah, blah, blah… But if it tasted like boiled broccoli, no one would eat it. I eat fish because it’s tasty. If you know how to prepare it, it’s also tasty, and the whole house doesn’t smell like a pond.

    Ingredients for 2 servings

    • A piece of carp belly of 300-400 grams
    • A large onion
    • Half a medium zucchini
    • 4-5 mushrooms
    • A red bell pepper
    • Salt, pepper, turmeric
    • 3-4 cloves of garlic
    • 100 ml of wine
    • 200 ml of tomato juice
    • A sprig of rosemary
    • 2 bay leaves

    Method of preparation


    The carp belly is divided into two equal pieces, lightly salted and rolled through corn flour. Grease a non-stick pan with oil and fry the fish only partially on both sides. Take it out of the pan and place it in a yena bowl. Saute the not too finely chopped vegetables in the pan, adding the garlic when the vegetables are ready. Season with salt, pepper and turmeric, then add the tomato juice and wine and leave for a few minutes on a low heat. All this mixture is poured over the fish, decorated with a sprig of rosemary and 2 bay leaves, then the lid is put on. I don’t have a lid on the yena pot, so I cover it with aluminum foil, which I poke from place to place. Place in the oven for about 40 minutes, then remove the lid or foil and leave for another 10 minutes.

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