I had some cabbage rolls received from my mother-in-law and my husband was grumbling that he didn’t have any polenta to go with the cabbage rolls. I don’t eat corn anymore except occasionally, once or twice a year, when I go out. So I have no more corn flour in the house. I remembered that a few years ago I made millet polenta and it turned out very tasty. As I always have millet in the pantry (seeds, flour, flakes) I immediately put on the polenta. From millet!
I used a whole millet flour, ground not very finely. The ratio of water to flour used was 3/1. I had a large mug with 350 grams of water, so a little over 1 liter of water in total. I also measured the flour with the same mug. To these amounts I put one teaspoon of salt. I boiled this millet polenta in a cast iron pot.
I put the water to boil along with the salt. When it started to boil I put the heat on medium, added the flour and stirred continuously with a metal whisk until it was done, 10-12 minutes. After 5 minutes it started to set, take on a sticky consistency. I kept stirring because otherwise it would stick to the bottom of the pan and risk burning.
I flipped the polenta onto a flat plate. At the moment it “broadened” a bit, but as it cooled it hardened.
I made too much millet polenta and only ate half. The next day, I made croquettes from the other half. I cut strips of cold millet polenta, smeared them with olive oil, sprinkled them with a seasoning of dried tomatoes, chilli and oregano and put them in the oven heated to 180 degrees Celsius, on baking paper, in the tray. I left them for 20 minutes on one side, turned them over and left them for another 20 minutes. They came out crispy, very tasty.