I keep all my grains (legumes, rice, pseudocereals, nuts, seeds) in hermetically sealed jars, so if any grain invites a butterfly or worm to visit, they can feast together, without inviting the neighbors. I don’t put new beans on top of old ones, first I empty the jar, wash it, dry it, and put new beans in clean jars. So I periodically rummage through the jars, research them and use the older beans before restocking. That’s what I did a few days ago and I chose a few spoons of each of the grains in the title. I put them together, washed them, freshen them up and put them to work. It turned out an original, wonderful, elastic, filling bread.
- 100 grams of green buckwheat
- 50 grams of quinoa
- 50 grams of chickpeas
- 20 grams of chia
- 15 grams of psyllium bran
- 1 sachet of yeast (7 grams)
- 1 grated teaspoon of salt
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 200 grams of water
Recipe Method
We weigh, mix and wash the grains (we do not put chia there, it will have a separate treatment). We soak them for 4-8 hours, no more, because the buckwheat will absorb too much water. After this interval we wash them once more. Put the chia to soak in 50 grams of water, mix well so that the water covers them well (they tend to float), put the activated yeast together with the sugar in another 50 grams of water. Now we take out the blender and put it to work. It had better be a serious blender, because we will have to get a paste from our grains, along with the remaining 100 grams of water. In that paste we put the psyllium bran, blend a little more, then add the soaked chia, activated yeast and salt. I have a blender that makes a thin paste out of any hard ingredient, but it can’t handle doughs, so after making the grain paste, I poured it into a bowl and did the rest by hand. In the end you should have a soft and sticky dough, which you should not try to mix by hand, because it will stick. We use the spoon until the end, when we turn it over in the oiled pan, smooth it with the back of the spoon, cover it with foil and let it rise until it visibly puffs up. We put the tray in the oven heated to 180 degrees Celsius, we leave it until it starts to darken in color (40-50 minutes), then, carefully, we take it out of the tray and tap it on the bottom. If it sounds hollow, it is ready, if not, we leave it for a few more minutes, without the tray, on the oven grill. Let it cool completely, then it can be cut.