by Oana

I was in the supermarket today and saw a pate that looked nice in a fancy glass jar. I picked it up and looked at the ingredients: 49% chicken liver, the rest oil, cornstarch and salt. At least it didn’t have ingredients that only a chemist would understand. I was tempted to put it in the basket, I was craving it, I hadn’t eaten pate in a long time, but I refrained. I thought that if I want corn, I buy popcorn, and I don’t very much like the excess of salt. So I stopped at the meat department and picked up a chicken breast thinking I’d make something edible out of it myself. It turned out a formidable pate, I adjusted it to taste as I like it, buttery, but not very fatty, a wonder.


    • Half a chicken breast
    • A carrot
    • An onion
    • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
    • 2 tablespoons of mustard
    • A teaspoon of turmeric
    • Half a teaspoon of ground pepper
    • A pinch of salt

    Method of preparation


    We put about a liter of water to boil together with the salt and when it starts to boil, we put the chicken breast. We leave for 10 minutes, turn off the fire and let it cool, without removing it from the water. We clean the carrot, cut the onion julienne, then put them to temper in a spoonful of coconut oil. When the onion becomes slightly translucent, put a few spoonfuls of the water in which the chicken breast was boiled, turn the heat to low and put the lid on. We leave for 10 minutes, turn off the heat and, without removing the lid, let it cool, because we are going to put everything in the blender. After everything we boiled and tempered has reached an acceptable temperature, we put the chicken breast, carrot and onion, mustard, turmeric, pepper and the tablespoon of coconut oil in the blender and mix until it reaches the texture and consistency known for pâté. Put in a container with a lid and keep in the fridge.

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