Millet bread (gluten free)

by Oana

I’ve been promising you the gluten-free sourdough bread recipe for some time. We live in a crazy world. We do not have time. Someone could tell us, superior: “Surely you can find time for 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening to feed the sourdough “. Yes… 5 minutes dressing up, 5 minutes removing make-up, 5 minutes brushing teeth, 5 minutes shower, more than 5 minutes cooking, eating, traffic, coffee, work, children, time with loved ones, laundry, ironing, cleaning… So that I gave up on my sourdough bread idea. But not all. I have noticed from my tests that sourdough bread rises nicely, is denser and keeps for a long time. On the other hand, yeast bread is tastier and smells nice. So I combined them and something wonderful came out. The bread is made the day before, with “24-hour sourdough”. We measure 50 grams of millet flour, 3 grams of psyllium bran and 200 grams of water, mix them in a jar that we leave for 24 hours somewhere, in a warm place.


    • 240 gr 24-hour sourdough
    • 200 gr millet flour
    • 240 gr of water
    • 7 gr dry yeast – one sachet
    • 10 grams of psyllium bran
    • 7 grams of salt

    Method of preparation


    Mix the ingredients, minus the flour, in a bowl, mix well and leave for a few minutes to hydrate the bran, during which time we tidy up the kitchen a bit, put the scale, the bag of flour, the jar with bran in their place, we don’t need them anymore. Then we put the flour in the mixture and homogenize with a spoon. The dough will be quite soft, but it will pull away from the bowl. So that it doesn’t stick to our hands, we grease ourselves with oil and form the dough, we don’t knead anymore, we just give it a shape, and place it in the previously prepared pan, lined with baking paper. I have an aluminum tray, left over from a purchased cake, with a length of 24 cm. From my previous testing, if we add enough flour to be able to knead the dough with our hands, the bread does not rise properly and comes out battered and unbaked. So I put the dough in the pan and it looks like below.

    We wrap it well and put it in a warm place. Right now I have something ready to bake in the oven: a chicken, meatballs, a dessert, something to get the oven going. I put the pan with the dough on the stove, cover it well and leave it for about 2 hours, during which it rises and looks something like below.

    After this time, the oven is hot, the dough is fluffy, so we put the bread in the oven. As I told you before, I have a very old stove, so the temperature and cooking time are relative. I leave for 25 minutes on high heat, then reduce the fire and leave for another 30 minutes. Then I remove the pan and turn the bread upside down, and leave it for another 10 minutes. I take it out of the oven and out of the pan, then stomp impatiently around the kitchen until it cools down so I can cut it.

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